The APsolute RecAP: Biology Edition

The APsolute Recap: Biology Edition - Season 2 Introduction

Episode Summary

Biology returns with Season 2! Thank you for helping us reach 31,000 downloads.

Episode Notes

Biology returns with Season 2! Thank you for helping us reach 31,000 downloads. Make sure to check out our website for more courses, episode study guides, virtual classrooms and tutoring (1:00). Support your favorite podcast and rock a nerdy t-shirt with our newly launched merch! (2:20) You can expect season two to take a deeper dive into cross-unit topics and integrate FRQ practice. (2:50)

The Question of the Day asks (3:23) When is the 2021 AP Biology exam?

Thank you for listening to The APsolute RecAP: Biology Edition!

(AP is a registered trademark of the College Board and is not affiliated with The APsolute RecAP. Copyright 2020 - The APsolute RecAP, LLC. All rights reserved.)



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Episode Transcription

Hello and welcome to the APsolute Recap: Biology Edition - where we aim to maximize your understanding and minimize your need for memorization. Each episode will recap content, skills, and test taking tips to help you succeed in May. I’m your host, Melanie Kingett, and your recap starts now.

Hi and welcome to the APsolute Recap: Biology Edition. 

We are back with SEASON TWO! 

Lets zoom out.

A Lot has happened these past few months and we are excited to fill you in. Whether you are a student or teacher joining us for a new school year, continuing to listen on, or maybe you are just interested in amoebas and diffusion - we wanted to say thank you! This has been a very unexpected but very welcome turn of events for myself, my husband and producer Brad, and for the other teachers now joining our team. 

Lets Zoom in 

Since launching The APsolute RecaP in February of 2020 with the Biology Edition, we have celebrated over 31,000 downloads and have expanded the podcast to include more AP courses. AP Chemistry episodes released in June and we have AP US Government and AP Music Theory episodes launching this September! You can find episode schedules and distinct podcast links for all four of our courses on our website - We have more courses on the horizon - so check back often! Oh, and please tell your friends.

Speaking of website - that has gone through quite an update as well. You can now download unique study guides to accompany every single episode for all subjects. These documents are available in PDF print as well as PDF fillables for digital completion - and they all include answer keys! We recommend you use these study guides to visualize concepts and take active notes while listening to each episode. They also provide areas for making connections and practicing skills. We hope they help you figure out your strengths and identify those areas you need extra reinforcement. We have 41 study guides available for immediate download for Biology Season 1 and will have accompanying study guides for all 36 episodes in Season 2 as well! 

Also on our website, we now offer requests for virtual tutoring and seats in our virtual classroom to provide personalized attention to our listeners. The virtual classroom has scheduled dates and and will recap each unit as the year progresses. Plus, you’ll get a downloadable study packet and extra exam prep! Check it out!

Wait - did someone say merch? Yup! Now you can get all of your favorite podcast cartoons and logos on T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, hats - you name it. Support your favorite podcast and rock a nerdy t-shirt at the same time. Win Win. 

Lastly - what can you expect this year for The APsolute RecaP: Biology Edition Season 2? A deeper dive into some of the trickier topics, more comparison of related concepts across units,  and integrated FRQ practice. Don’t forget that episodes are released in the same unit sequence as the CED. 

To recap - Our listeners are awesome, our website is updated, we now have downloadable resources, virtual classrooms and podcast merch!  We are really looking forward to The APsolute Recap Biology Edition - Season 2! Thanks for tuning in.

Coming up next on the APsolute Recap: Biology Edition - Proteins

Today’s question of the day is about schedules.

When is the 2021 AP Biology exam?

For the answer to the question of the day,  please follow us on Instagram at theapsoluterecap,  That’s the-a-p-s-o-l-u-t-e recap. Check out our website,, for episode schedules, study guides, virtual tutoring, and to sign up for our virtual classroom.  The APsolute RecAP is produced by Brad Kingett with music by Zach Caruso. Today’s episode was written by me, Melanie Kingett. Thanks for subscribing, and don’t forget to rate and review, wherever you get podcasts. Times up - pencils down.  Thank you for listening to the APsolute recap, Biology Edition.

AP is a registered trademark of the College board. Copyright 2020, APsolute RecAP LLC. All rights reserved.